Austria Email AG
Public limited company

Business purpose: Production of water heaters and heating systems

VAT number: ATU14707307
Company register number: 99418d
Commercial register court: Landesgericht Leoben
Registered office: 8720 Knittelfeld

Austria Email AG
Austriastraße 6
8720 Knittelfeld

Phone. +43 3512 700-0
Fax +43 3512 700-239

Member of: Styrian Chamber of Commerce

Supervisory authority/commercial authority: District authority Leoben
Job title: Production company
Awarding State: Austria

Online dispute resolution:
Consumers have the possibility to submit complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform: You can also address any complaints to the email address given above.

Board of Directors:
Dr. Martin Hagleitner, Ing. Walter Persc

Supervisory Board:
Groupe Atlantic: Gilles Romagne, Philipe Redon, Bertrand Retiere
Treibacher Industrieholding: Dr. Tatjana Gertner-Schaschl

Our concern:
Presentation of the company Austria Email including services and products

Liability for content on this website:
We are constantly developing the content of the Austria-Email website and endeavour to provide correct and up-to-date information. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any liability for the correctness of all content on this website, especially for that which is provided by third parties. If you notice any problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately at the e-mail address given above.

Liability for links on this website:
The Austria-Email website contains links to other websites for whose content we are not responsible. If you notice any illegal links on our website, please contact us at the e-mail address given above.

Copyright notice:
All contents of this website (pictures, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright. If necessary, we will legally pursue the unauthorised use of parts of the contents of our website.

Picture credits:
The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.

The image rights are held by the following photographers and companies:
Luiza Puiu

Digital Agency & Technical Support TYPO3 CMS

Fockygasse 29-31
1120 Wien

Phone: +43 680 115 05 04